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You've made it, but what's next. You are a marketing manager with 10 to 15 years experience and all of a sudden you are wondering where do you go from here.

I was told to forget about developing Robotic Marketer - the world's first robotic and AI-based technology that develops marketing strategies in minutes, not months. I thought about it for a nanosecond. I had this moment of being scared and defeated. Then I said to myself "why should I?". I truly believe that I can do anything I set my mind to - and I'm right. 
I woke up every hour from midnight, ready to get up and pack my bags for yet another trip. Today is just one of those days.
You get it, posting content is crucial. But make no mistake, the kind of content you are posting is essential to your business’s success. Quit posting content that isn’t going to benefit you- stop making these content marketing mistakes!
“Humans and machines – each on their own – won’t be enough to drive businesses in the coming decades. Tomorrow’s leading enterprises will be those that know how to meld the two effectively” – Accenture.

It’s those forward-thinking businesses who have adopted robotics, automation software and technologies, that have increased their productivity by over 200% evidence suggest. This helps re-affirm what the future workforce will look like: human and digital interaction on a daily basis.
There are times in one’s own life that stick out as defining moments that shape who we are, the same way a massive flood can change the Earth’s landscape by carving it into pieces and destroying what was once there. 

On April 29th of this year, I received a call from an old Army friend of mine that no one was expecting. He called and told us that Weston Lee had been hit by an IED and passed away the night before. 
I had a moment of clarity yesterday, that will define my life moving forward. I realized that I am not living the life I want to live and something has to change.
Business is something that every entrepreneur has to work on every single day in order to achieve success.

Ranging from overall business strategy through to finance, human resources, technology, operations and the quality of your product or service.
I never dreamed I would be living the life that I do. I grew up in humble beginnings and although I always knew I had a brain, I never dared dream to live a life more than what was most obvious and in front of me.
The pressure of growing your business is insurmountable with the number of areas that each business has to consider. 

As a company, Marketing Eye has been a company who believes that growth is imperative to keep employees engaged, stay ahead of the curve and invest in areas such as innovation and technology – but this is all not easily funded.
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Marketing Eye is disruptive by design, going into start-ups and existing businesses with change in mind. We use our 20 years’ of experience to reinvent your marketing potential, and take your business to a level not yet achieved.