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Digitally savvy customers are expecting more from the companies that are trying to sell to them. It isn’t enough to offer a product they need – today’s customer is looking for a simple, intuitive solution to their complex problems. They know that while you may offer the product they need, there are at least 10 other companies who can provide that product as well. So how can marketers implement an advanced lead generation strategy to attract new leads? Below, we have 4 ways that businesses can improve their lead generation strategies to attract more leads.

Creating content is more than just writing and posting blogs to your company website. Once it goes to the website, it may or may not get read by your audience. Even if you are writing interesting, compelling blogs that are informing your audience on your team’s industry insights, your audience may not be reading them. It’s important to create content that’s not only informative but shareable. Below, we have four ways to create shareable content to attract your audience.

Today’s consumer has more demands than ever about the user experience – they expect a more personalized, more consistent, and more relevant experience across the channels and devices that they use. This puts extra pressure on marketers to understand and deliver on these expectations, which requires an understanding of the customer and what they want. If you’re going to continue to engage with your current and future audience, you will need to create fresh, exciting, and emotionally engaging content.

Whether you are selling a product or a service, it’s intended for a specific group of customers, or a target market. But do you understand anything about that group of people? This where a target audience comes, which defines that group of people. A target audience is a group of consumers characterized by behaviors and specific demographics, and knowing your target audience can help to influence decision making for a marketing strategy. Finding your target audience takes a lot of work and research so that you can figure out who exactly you want to reach. Below, we have some tips on how to find your target audience.

In an omnichannel marketing approach, it’s all about creating a personalized and consistent customer experience, no matter what platform they are using to engage with your brand. This means that the experience should be consistent across all channels: social media, customer service, website, brick and mortar, and email campaigns. Email campaigns are especially important because they are at the center of your customer’s digital life and can drive the highest ROI among other digital communication channels. Below, we’ve got four benefits of email marketing in an omnichannel marketing approach.

Webinars may seem like a forgotten form of marketing, but the truth is that webinars aren’t the easiest thing to pull off. It requires months of planning, writing, re-writing, designing, and promotion to finally get to the webinar, but it doesn’t always pay off the way we want it to. There’s a huge difference between good webinars and bad webinars, and it usually boils down to how much work was done in the planning and writing stages. Below, we have some considerations for making sure that your next webinar is great.

While there's a lot of focus on marketing approach for Gen Z, it's also essential to notice the next generation with immense buying power. Before millennials transition into a place of prominent buying power, it's vital to understand what drives their interests and engages them. Marketers can't forget about millennials because they are positioned to spend more money than Gen Xers or Baby Boomers ever could. Millennials are an incredibly lucrative market, and their digital savvy will influence the way they purchase. If brands aren't willing to leverage a digital approach, they will lose their competitive edge. Below, we have some specific ways that marketers can reach millennials before they transition to their full buying power.

One of the best ways to reach your audience is by using every available resource. Content diversification is all about stretching the boundaries of your creativity. The most significant opportunity that content diversification gives you is the chance to reach more people and generate more revenue. Refuse the temptation to stick to one platform and connect with your audience on all the platforms they use. Give your customers the choice of how they can engage with your brand, and they’ll be more likely to engage regularly. Below, we’ve got a few points to consider when diversifying your content. 

Marketing has undergone some profound changes in the past few years, and it will only continue to change in the future. Lately, marketers have dropped the mass marketing campaigns in favor of a much more personalized approach. If you are planning on genuinely engaging with all of your customers and potential leads, you have to be everywhere. The only way for this to happen and be effective is an omnichannel marketing approach. But what exactly does that mean? The omnichannel marketing experience is where consumers can engage with a company on all points; through a brick and mortar store, a website, a mobile app, a catalog, or social media. Additionally, they can access the products and services by calling the company phone, using a mobile app, or even connecting through a personal computer or tablet. If you’re looking to build an omnichannel marketing approach, there are a few things to take into consideration.

The level of awareness about your brand can say a lot about your company. Most small to medium-sized businesses don’t have the level of brand recognition of something like Apple, but it never hurts to be known for what you do. It’s essential to understand the audience that recognizes your branding and how it can grow. But how do you measure the awareness of your brand? Below, we have a few tactics for measuring brand awareness. 

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Marketing Eye is disruptive by design, going into start-ups and existing businesses with change in mind. We use our 20 years’ of experience to reinvent your marketing potential, and take your business to a level not yet achieved.