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A good website is much more than a digital storefront. While brick-and-mortar storefronts have slowly been phasing out, a customized website shouldn’t merely replace your physical location. A comprehensive, customized website should tell the story of your product, your brand, and your company in a way that draws in your audience and sells them on the experience you provide. Every company has a story that deserves to be told, and a company website is one of the greatest storytelling opportunities that a company has. Marketing Eye has successfully designed, developed, and managed over 300 websites and counting.

How do you create the ideal website? How valuable is it? These are questions that many business owners are searching for answers to, and the biggest gap in the road lies with the tactics behind your website. Whether you have a marketing department internally or rely on an agency for your coding and website design, it is crucial to have a website which is strategically built for your audience. So what does this look like? Well let’s take a look:

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Something strange is going on.  A lot of successful business people say that there comes a time in your business life cycle that it either plateaus or the business fires with the injection of new products or services.
Cedar-Jet_index-final-300x272My favourite travel company, Cedar Jet Travel has just launched its new website to help customers book their travel online. 

I still love giving Alen a call at Cedar Jet Travel because he really is incredibly helpful and friendly – and always knows the best deals.
Like most companies, Marketing Eye has monthly sales targets and each month for the past year, we have either exceeded it or at least matched our own expectations.

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Marketing Eye is disruptive by design, going into start-ups and existing businesses with change in mind. We use our 20 years’ of experience to reinvent your marketing potential, and take your business to a level not yet achieved.